Imaging in Developing Countries

Special Interest Group

Radiograph Image Gallery

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A case of pericardial calcification in a young woman following pericarditis.
She had signs of constrictive pericarditis with raised JVP and a low volume pulse.


Hysterosalpingography is a very common examination. Common abnormalities include hydrosalpinges (below) and fibroids.


Osteomyeltis is also extremely common. This is sometimes associated with a staphylococcal septicaemia but commonly occurs in patients with sickle cell
disease due to salmonella infection. This was a 12-month-old Ghanian child who developed inability to walk and some swelling of the limbs. She had sickle cell disease. In Ghana children learn to walk at an early age. X-rays showed extensive osteomyelitis involving both lower legs, femora, radii, ulnae and humeri. The appearance in the upper limbs was less marked than that in the lower limbs where there were several pathological fractures.


Histories are sometimes scanty and difficult to obtain. The ultrasound image below was that of a 35-year-old male admitted with a history of abdominal swelling of several months' duration with abdominal discomfort and loss of appetite. On scanning the abdomen was full of multiple cystic spaces separated by strands of tissue. TB peritonitis
was considered and a fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed. This showed mycelia typical for Actinomycosis. By this time the abdominal wall had become paper thin and in danger of breaking down.

CASE 10.

Schistosomiasis is endemic in many African countries causing ureteric strictures, bladder wall calcification and bladder tumours, most commonly. Below is the typical appearance of bladder wall calcification in Shistosoma haematobium.